
Sunday, January 15, 2012

Caldwell being retained in Indianapolis would open up Luck to become a ... - Rant Sports

Published: About an hour ago

by Christopher Batchelder

The NFL has the best fans. They are passionate about their teams and are not afraid to say what is on their mind and the Colts fans are no different.

When Jim Irsay fired the Polians after a 2-14 season and later hired Ryan Grigson to run the front office, changes were in store. Fans screamed for the firing of head coach Jim Caldwell and the roster changes.  So far Cadwell still stands as the head coach, and it is too early to do any roster changes.

It is rumored that Jim Caldwell will be retained for the 2012 season, which could very well mean another chance for Peyton Manning. Even though the speculation is that Caldwell will be fired and replaced by a completely different style of coach, that does not look like it is going to happen.

The decision to retain the head coach would almost seal up the number one pick Andrew Luck and keep Manning as the quarterback. It is the perfect scenario for the Colts, who will take a play from the Green Bay Packers playbook and keep Manning and have Luck as his successor. In the past, rookie quarterback’s used to sit behind a veteran to learn as much as they could before taking over. It has been only the last five to eight years when quarterbacks have been thrown into a starting role without complete readiness. Regardless how good Luck is, he will be even better learning from, arguably the best quarterback of our time.

This is the best situation for all parties involved. What Manning has done for the Colts organization and the city of Indianapolis is undeniable. He has put the Colts back on the map as a Super Bowl contender every year. Luck will benefit from Manning’s work ethic, his study habits, and his positive attitude, expecting the best out of everyone.

With Luck becoming a Colt in April it will be exciting how much he will learn under Manning for the next few years.

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