
Monday, July 23, 2012

2012 Olympics USA Basketball - Always Miller Time

Hard to believe we’re just days away from the Olympics kicking off, and many eyes will be on the USA basketball team as they reach for the gold. I have strong faith in this year’s team, but I’m not as excited as I thought I would be.  I’ll watch on what they’re doing, but this team is nothing like my memories of the original dream team back in 1992.

I can remember how exciting that was.  Maybe I was just a bigger fan of the Olympics overall as it was something to sit down and watch.  Plus you had Jordan on that team, who wouldn’t tune in to watch?  That original Dream Team just had that aura that they wanted to go out and win the gold medal for USA.

I don’t get that feeling from this year’s teams or many teams after that original one.  If you’ve not seen ESPN’s documentary on the 1992 Dream Team, go find that, and you can see what I’m talking about.

I would hope that this year’s team has those guys that want to be there and don’t feel like they’re just doing it because you have to.  That’s the thing about the Olympics, these are people there because they want to be there.

Will you be watching Team USA take on the world for the 2012 Olympics?

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